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Keep Your Weight Loss Resolutions This Year. 10 Steps To Help You Lose Weight, And Keep It Off For G

A Step By Step Guide To Help You Reach Your Goals.

So, your favorite jeans don't fit anymore. Well, that scale doesn't lie. But this time you've vowed to really stick to it.

New year, new you. Right? That's what we say every year. But with the beginning of the new year comes new hopes and ambitions. To lose weight, become more organized, or maybe be kinder, get more sleep go back to school, to really focus on your goals. They say if you want something bad enough, you'll find a way to get it done. Well, how bad do you really want it?

Well, if your resolution is to lose weight, keeps reading. Below I give you some pointers to help you out. 10 steps to help you keep your weight loss resolutions for the new year. But these tips will help you any time of year. Whether it's to lose those last couple stubborn pounds. Or to make a real lifestyle change.

And that's the key. It has to be a way of life. Not just a quick fix to be able to slip into your bikini by summer.

  • CALORIES Of course in order to lose weight, your calorie count is really important. One pound is equal to 3500 calories. Which means that you'd need too cut/slash burn at least 500 calories a day. That can be acheived with a combo of diet and exercise. Which would lead to a healthy one pound a week weight loss.


  • Write down every thing you eat. Even if it's just a hand full of nuts. It all adds up. Keep track of all the your calories. There's so many great apps out there now. You can even monitor how much water you drink with an app. Which is also an important step to losing weight. And helps to curb hunger. Weigh yourself once a week to keep track of your progress.


  • Measure every thing. From the cream you put in your coffee, to the cup of cereal you eat for breakfast. People often don't realize what an actual individual serving size really is. Read packages and use correct portion sizes. Then eventually it will become like clock work to use. And you'll be able to do it with you eyes closed.

Eat 5 times a day

  • Yes, you read that right. Although that may sound like a lot. It's whats going to keep you on track. You should eat at least 5 times during the day. Including snacks. Spaced out 2 or 3 hours a part. It really helps to curb your hunger and keeps you from overeating. Which can often be a stumbling block for many people. Don't skip snacks or meals to "save" calories. It will just slow down your metabolism. And hinder your progress. As long as you stay within your calories, you'll stay on track. Your last meal or snack should be at least 2 hours before you go to bed. That also helps with digestive issues.

Eat healthy

  • Try to eat a balanced diet. According to studies your plate should be 1/4 protein, 1/4 carbs and 1/2 veg. Beeakfast, lunch and dinner should be around 300 to 500 calories and snacks should be around 150. With lunch being your heaviest meal.

Swap foods

  • Find ways to eat healthier any way you can. Start with finding healthier options for every day items you would normally eat. Like using greek yogurt for mayo, water instead of coke, nut mylk instead of cows milk, spaghetti sqaush instead of acutal spaghetti or pasta. Zoodles. Turkey instead of hamburger. The list goes on and on. And remember, homemade is always better than packages or processed foods.

Plan ahead

  • Hunger is the biggest hurdle to get over when it comes to losing weight. Planning meals and snacks ahead of time really helps a lot. When that first hunger pang strikes, all you wanna do is reach for the nearest cookie or chips. Plan out the whole days/weeks meals and snacks ahead. Make sure you always have healthy food on hand. When meal prepping for the week, make sure to label and date every thing. Make certain thing in bulk so you can mix and match during the week. You can also freeze and take out a day or two before. Hear and serve.

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  • Sure, eating healthy is a major part of losing weight. But so is exercise in. You should try to get in at least 5 days of heart pumping exercise. Ie; running, swimming, biking, cardio. To get those fat burning muscles going.

Set goals

  • Losing weight is a lonnng journey. So celebrating along the way helps to keep motivated. Set little milestones and celebrate them in a healthy way. Like treating yourself to a manicure or buying yourself some cute new workout gear.

Be patient

  • Losing weight the right way takes time. The average is one to two pounds a week. So, be patient. Do little things to keep you motivated. Get a weight loss buddy. Do it with your significant other. Join a group board. Start or join an instagram pod. It's a great way to give/get tips or tricks. Ir to get that little push you might need to keep going.


In conclusion, just remember that fad diets aren't the answer. Meaning anything that sounds too good to be true probably is. It has to become a new lifestyle. Any "diet" that is really restictive or jeopardizes your health is not the way to go. There are no quick fixes. If you put on all that weight by eating chips and pizza every day, then going back to that will definitely put the weight back on.

Make a commitment

You have to make a commitment. It has to be for life. So many people reach their goal weight and then go right back to where they started from. Well, if you go back to that way of living, you're definitely going to go back to that weight. Best wishes for a happy new year!

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